Episode Archive
236 episodes of Science In-Between since the first episode, which aired on September 9th, 2020.
Episode 139: Some Portion of the Truth
May 3rd, 2023 | Season 3 | 45 mins 40 secs
In this episode, we discuss two articles on practice-based teacher education.
Episode 138: Unintentionally Matching Outfits
April 26th, 2023 | Season 3 | 43 mins 51 secs
This week we talk about doing equity work with white teachers, especially in context where there are only white people in the room.
Episode 137: Dispositional Throwdown
April 19th, 2023 | Season 3 | 1 hr 5 mins
In this episode, we debate the concept of dispositions in teacher education.
Episode 136: Teaching Layer Cake
April 13th, 2023 | Season 3 | 46 mins 44 secs
This week we talk about facilitating different kinds of conversations we engage in because we teach people who teach people.
Episode 135: Researching Epistemic Agency
April 6th, 2023 | Season 3 | 41 mins 24 secs
In this episode, we discuss some recent research on epistemic agency in science education.
Episode 134: Coercive Persuasion
March 29th, 2023 | Season 3 | 54 mins 8 secs
This week we talk about minds and how you change them. We talk about David McRaney's 2022 book How Minds Change.
Episode 133: The Agency of Outdated References
March 22nd, 2023 | Season 3 | 44 mins 5 secs
In this episode, we revisit the concept of agency and discuss how it applies to students, classrooms, schools, and learning.
Episode 132: Umwelt of Podcast Dads
March 15th, 2023 | Season 3 | 53 mins 4 secs
This week we return to Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Education (CRSE) and expand to Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching.
Episode 131: Obfuscations for Change
March 8th, 2023 | Season 3 | 59 mins 10 secs
In this episode, we discuss Pennsylvania's new teaching competencies for Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Education and how they apply to our roles as science teachers.
Episode 130: Silver Bullet Pointing Practice
March 1st, 2023 | Season 3 | 47 mins 27 secs
This week we talk about where to begin with doing Ambitious Science Teaching and how there are no silver bullets to making a change in practice.
Episode 129: A Made-Up Sandwich
February 22nd, 2023 | Season 3 | 54 mins 14 secs
In this episode, we discuss the differences between hands-on/minds-on science, discovery learning, inquiry-based instruction, and phenomenon-based science learning.
Episode 128: Peanut Butter Epistemology
February 15th, 2023 | Season 3 | 52 mins 32 secs
This week we talk about personal knowledge management and how we don't manage it as well as we would like.
Episode 127: From the Audio Bunker
February 8th, 2023 | Season 3 | 34 mins 28 secs
In this episode, Scott and Ollie discuss the ways that school leaders can support change in science education in their schools.
Episode 126: The Benefits of Regularity
February 1st, 2023 | Season 3 | 49 mins 20 secs
This week we talk about our values and how they help us think about the work we do with teachers and students.
Episode 125: Total Mushiness
January 25th, 2023 | Season 3 | 42 mins 46 secs
In this episode, we talk about summary tables and how they can be used in science classrooms to scaffold students as they develop evidence-based explanations.
Episode 124: That's not the Process
January 18th, 2023 | Season 3 | 51 mins 7 secs
This week we talk about the first day of school / class and how you use it to set up norms for the rest of the year.