Scott McDonald
Scott McDonald has hosted 232 episodes.
Dr. Scott McDonald is a Professor of Science Education at The Pennsylvania State University and Director of the Krause Studios for Innovation in the PSU College of Education. He received his undergraduate degree in Physics. He was high school Physics teacher for six years before returning for a Ph.D. in Learning Technologies and Science Education at the University of Michigan. Dr. McDonald takes a design-based approach to research focuses on science teacher learning and student learning in the geosciences. He researches teacher learning, framed as professional pedagogical vision for ambitious and equitable science teaching practices. His current projects, in collabortion with Amy Pallant and Hee-Sun Lee at the Concord Consortium include The Geological Models for Explorations of Dynamic Earth (GEODE), GeoHazard: Modeling Natural Hazards and Assessing Risks project, and Geological Construction of Rock Arrangements from Tectonics: Systems Modeling Across Scales (GeoCRAFT).
Ollie Dreon
Ollie Dreon has hosted 232 episodes.
Dr. Oliver (Ollie) Dreon is a professor in the School of Education and Human Services at Millersville University of Pennsylvania. At Millersville, Ollie teaches a wide variety of education and instructional technology courses both in face-to-face and online formats. Ollie is the co-author of the books Authentic Instruction with Technology: A Student-Centered Approach and The Power of Blended Learning in the Sciences and is the co-editor of the book, Teacher Education for Ethical Professional Practices in the 21st Century. Ollie has also published in various journals, including the Middle Level Journal, TechTrends, Teachers and Teaching, Science Education, Online Classroom, Distance Education , Academic Leader and Teacher Education & Practice. Ollie has spent almost thirty years teaching in various educational environments and provides regular professional development and consultation on online and blended learning. His work examines how technology can be used to support student development through physical, online, and hybrid learning spaces. Prior to coming to Millersville, Ollie taught middle school and high school science in the Pittsburgh and Harrisburg areas.